The Physicists and God

The New Priests of Religion?


1. It's cold in Delft

2. Nothing human is alien

3. Understanding everything

in search of the superforce / interview with a nobel prizewinner

4. The end of objective reality

the quantum revolution / the emotions of the main figures involved / the decisive experiment? / modest and humble, an after-dinner address

5. Aspects

opposition to atomism / David Bohm and undivided wholeness / things have their mystery / aspects of light

6. Four physicists and God

Isaac Newton: a man all of a piece / Blaise Pascal: tension / Albert Einstein / Stephen Hawking

7. Physics: a way to God?

8. How do we prove anything?

9. The witnesses

Master Bergsma / Dr. Cebus Cornelis de Bruin / my father

10. Two ways

the way of science / the way of faith

11. Intersections

miracles / science as a cultural form / consequences for human beings and society / perspective



The Universe is a collection of microscopically small particles which developed at the very beginning from a Big Bang. Scientists can describe very precisely how all this came about. It makes breathtaking reading, but one's heart remains cold. Science seems to strive for a comprehensive explanation of the world in which we live. If that is the case, then belief in God will be ruled out. But is it really the WHOLE of reality? If scientists ever finish their work, will they then understand EVERYTHING?
Taking issue with recent writers on this theme, the author of this book, a professor of physics and a researcher for more than 30 years, at a prestigious university, offers a fascinating survey of modern science and an encouraging indication that the possibility of meaningful religious belief is still very much there.